Summer 2010 Field Report: La Paz, Mexico

During the summer of 2010 Master’s degree candidate Tom Bell completed his field research in the CIBNOR desert preserve near La Paz, BCS, Mexico. From June to August, Tom monitored lateral litter flux experiments, which had commenced in the summer of 2009. Collection of vertical and lateral litter traps was completed over two time periods and litter and vegetation surveys were also executed. Experiments were terminated in mid-August and samples were dried, weighed and recorded. The data collected will be used to assess the significance of lateral carbon flux in litter to the overall carbon budget of the desert ecosystem.

Tom was assisted by fellow GCRG Master’s student Yareli Sanchez and Southwestern College student Steven Becotte. Steven was the recipient of a paid internship from Southwestern College and was selected by GCRG to assist with data collection. Steven gained experience in many areas such as experimental design and general desert ecology.

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