Donatella Zona, PhD (PI)

Professor of Biology, San Diego State University
Co-PI, Advisor, Theme II Researcher for NOAA-CESSRST

Phone: (619) 594-6346
Office: Physical Sciences 240
Lab: Physical Sciences 241D



Dr. Zona’s background integrates the functioning of a variety of ecosystems, natural (arctic tundra) and managed (oak forest, agro-ecosystems). She is particularly interested in the patterns and controls on non-CO2 gases such as O3, CH4, N2O fluxes, whose emissions are very difficult to measure and model.

Her main research emphasizes the impact of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and greenhouse gas emission (CO2 and CH4) in the Arctic. Her interest ranges from the mechanisms allowing tundra ecosystems to adjust or avoid environmental stress and how climate change affects ecosystem functioning to the importance and the challenges of integrating different scales and approaches to understand the patterns and controls on CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the Arctic.

If you are interested in joining her team, email her at: